Earlier this month, the anti-gay group One Million Moms (which has substantially less than 1 million members) called for a boycott of JCPenney after it featured some lesbians in its catalog. The retailer didn't apologize and isn't backing down. In fact, it's almost trolling the anti-gay groups with jubilant, un-corporate-like defiance in a Father's Day ad featuring not one but two dads. The two men pictured are real-life dads Todd Koch and Cooper Smith, seen with their kids, Claire and Mason. In case you might mistake the scene for being a loving dad and a very involved uncle, the copy makes it real clear: "What makes Dad so cool? He's the swim coach, tent maker, best friend, bike fixer and hug giver—all rolled into one. Or two." Given the timeliness of the gay-marriage issue, it's not surprising to see brands take a stand, but when a classic American brand like JCPenney steps up, it's pretty clear where America is headed. Via Think Progess by way of Gawker.